established in 2015
“The chicks are ready for pickup.”
This was the message I received from my child’s teacher on the phone.
“Yes, your son told me that you live on a farm and would be happy to take our chicks that have hatched.”
I am a mother of 3 young children….so what do I do? I found a box and went to the school to gather our new feathered friends.
Thus began our journey. What initially started with 16 baby chicks quickly blossomed into a family passion for farm life. From collecting organic, farm-fresh eggs to birthing baby goats, lambs and alpacas, each day presents a new adventure.
Spaning 40 acres of beautifully wooded land in picturesque Indian Hill, our commitment remains to becoming a fully regenerative and sustainable working farm. While growing our community outreach, we are also focused on breeding Tennessee Walking Horses, Huacaya alpaca, Nigerian goats, Cormo sheep, Idaho Pastured pigs and Holland Lops.
Since that haphazzard beginning, we have become a foundation dedicated to offering farm-related educational programs for individuals of all ages. Our mission includes maintaining and operating a regenerative working farm that serves the community for both educational and scientific purposes. We also aim to provide opportunities for agritourism, all while cultivating a peaceful atmosphere reminiscent of a nature preserve.
Perch Farm Foundation offers a variety of activities, classes and experiences to enjoy in all four seasons.
We look forward to your visit or stay!